Thursday, November 29, 2007

He looks like Sonny, who at 45 years old, still lives with his mother in a modest trailer home down by the river. She had put up with having to cook for him and clean up after him, but after all these years and Sonny still insisting that she dress him every morning as well, at 74 years old, she finally decided to do what she should have done in the beginning--she waited until Sonny drank himself unconscious on Wild Turkey, then paid the two teenage boys next door to haul him into the city and drop him off on the church steps in hopes that the kind Sisters of St Mary would take him in. She took comfort in the fact that since Sonny had never been more than 2 blocks away from his own home, the bastard most likely wouldn't be able to find his way back home.


Anonymous said...

He looks like Humpty Dumpty had a wild night on the wall.

Anonymous said...

He looks like my Uncle Mike after the St Patrick's Day Parade in South Boston. This is how Aunt Kathleen finds him every year. He thinks his Kate finds his shennanigans absolutely charming. Why else would she buy him new shoes on the day after?

Anonymous said...

I agree with the Humpty Dumpty comment!

Anonymous said...

She looks like in the year 2015, Britney is getting easier to find by the paparazzi.

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